Monday, October 24, 2016

monday musing

James (the epistle in the New Testament) is such a potent little message of both hope and challenge. Often in the journey of faith we can become bogged down. James mentions a few evil ambitions that may contribute: bitter zeal, selfish ambition, sinful cravings, and pleasure (whatever pleases me).  
At times each of these can “stick out out me.” I think at the moment the one that grabs my attention the most is sinful cravings.  A sinful craving or “passion” as the ESV puts it, aims at the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state. Even that statement betrays the reality of fulfillment of joy found only in Jesus (Psalm. 16:11).

James 4:6 ("But He gives more grace...") provides comfort because I get uncomfortable and impatient with myself in those moments. As I get uncomfortable my knee-jerk reaction is the natural inward curve of sin. I begin to self-assess: “How did I get here, why do I still struggle like this, why can’t this desire just be removed from me?” Naturally then, I take my eyes off the Savior and instead cast my gaze upon my issues as though heightened scrutiny will lead to greater and quicker freedom.

A sinful craving, for anything, means that I have effectively set aside the life-satisfying nature that an authentic relationship with Jesus provides. For me there is shame in the exchange of satisfaction from Him to satisfaction in my sinful craving because I have tasted and am sustained by his sacrifice and gift. Simply knowing that “…he gives more grace…” even in the face of my wanton craving provides the comfort and strength necessary to resist the temptation and receive His gift. I need only be humble and repentant. Reminds me of Paul’s statement in Romans 5:20 “…where sin increased grace increased all the more…” 
His grace, in those moments, enables me to see His grace in SO MANY others that I had hitherto missed or avoided.

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