Friday, June 10, 2016

With God wrap-up

"I want God, not my idea of God," - C.S. Lewis - 

Those words were penned by C.S. Lewis as he was walking through the loss of his wife. He understood the only hope that could potentially alter his grief-stricken state, was a ravishing vision of God that obliterated all his preconceived understanding of relating with God.

In the last four posts we have examined four different postures of relating with God. Each contains seeds of biblical truth (feel free to scroll down to read previous posts). However, when focused on exclusively as a primary means of relationship, it obscures the reality God intended when He walked in the Garden with Adam and Eve AND when he sent his Son to live with us as Immanuel (God with us).

The question surfaces on the horizon of our hearts and looms until we can begin to arrive at a satisfactory answer; for knowing what something is not only amounts to half the equation.

So that the reader of this blog may feel equipped, let me suggest a few options to arrive at a satisfactory answer: listen to last week's message which summarized the reality of LIFE WITH GOD (click here) OR come by NCF and pick up a copy of the book ($10) With: Reimagining the Way You Relate To God by Skye Jethani (you could also order online). 

Watch this short video where author Skye Jethani provides an introductory analysis to life with God.  

Finally, if you have listened to the messages online or live at NCF OR have read the book by Jethani - please consider taking the time to post one or two ways you were impacted in the comments below (anonymously if you prefer).

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