Monday, February 22, 2010

Our Lives...a breath?

Clearly there are days when "eternity" as a functional concept is FAR FROM US. Let's use a fictitious but very 'real' example:

I wake early in the morning and my thoughts are consumed by how the day is shaping up already - and its only 5:45am. I have this meeting and I have that meeting, I have this deadline that must be met and this other person over here who needs something explained to them... and on and on it goes. In the middle of all these thoughts about my day I am riddled with the fear that something may occur to my job - that I will be out of work. As I navigate away from details of the day and to possible job loss my heart skips a beat. By this point I am sufficiently convinced there is little happening anywhere else because it MUST all be happening to me...

The example here may be a little exaggerated or it may be right on target - you must be honest with yourself. The point is this: all of us struggle knowing God is TRULY in control. What we desperately need is slight dose of perspective. Psalm 39:4-5 "O Lord make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am...surely all mankind stands as a mere breath."

Lord conquer fear in me that I might rightly view ALL OF LIFE from your perspective. Amen


  1. thanks Andy and Kiara. My hope is that this encourages more and more people as they have to occasion to read the blog.
