Monday, February 15, 2010

...with authority...

With the popular credo these days clearly displayed (Question Authority), I thought we might question, well the questioning of authority:
My thought process goes something like this (see if you don't agree with me here)
  1. I take in all kinds of opinions throughout the day (friends, teachers, parents, etc...)
  2. I filter all of those through what I see in culture and society ever day since I can remember: "do all these people really want what's best for me?"
  3. Then I come to this conclusion - "nope...they can't possibly know what's best or even want that for me, therefore I will question them every time."
  4. Steps 1-3 are repeated every time I come to the Bible and hear directives, rebuke, or challenging statements given...and I conclude: "Certainly God does not know what is best for me, therefore I will question Him every time it does not suit me."
Mark 1:27 "Amazement gripped the audience, and they began to discuss what had happened. 'What sort of new teaching is this?' they asked excitedly. 'It has SUCH AUTHORITY! Even the evil spirits obey his orders!'"

Food for thought -

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