Monday, January 19, 2009


It was a Monday evening...those are special to me because it is my only day where I have no ministry commitments and I am alone with my family. We were dining at the finest pizza place in the central Illinois area - I am, of course, speaking of Monical's Pizza. Enjoying piece after piece and laughing with my wife at all the crazy things a three year old girl says.
Now, the following deserves a disclaimer - I love my daughter, I really do - but there are times I specifically wonder, if she is God's test for my understanding of love?
Here is what transpired: Jada, who never liked soda before that evening says she wants to taste mine. I concede, knowing that she will contort her face and call it, "spicy," stick out her tongue and go back to her lemonade. WRONG. She contorts her face as I thought, but when she sees my laughing reaction - as well as my wife's - she says in a very coy way, "yum, that soda is super good, its the goodest soda ever!" We all know what happens next - her greasy, sauce-filled hands are all over my drink and now I have new objects of avoidance inside my cup each time I go to get a know, floaties or Remnants if you will of her last bite (not drink, bite).
The next morning I awoke and was talking with God about the day and my thoughts. As I told Him how much I loved my family and thanked Him for the day off I was reminded of the drink. Very clearly He showed me, "Doug, you're the sauce-filled, floatie leaving, coy commenting child with Me and My Gospel. I entrust to you the message that alone can save - understanding that there are two was you can go about it: in your own power, or through the power of the Holy Spirit."
Really, the fact that people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ shows that God can work in spite of us. Today, consider how Great of a God we serve and how he has entrusted with such a great message - The Gospel. Then, take your sauce-filled hands and floatie leaving sips, and go share it with those in your relational sphere of influence.

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