Friday, February 6, 2009

The Foremost - Part 2

The foremost... the words of the Apostle Paul ring in my ears and sting my heart. He says that of ALL people, he is the worst, most disgusting sinner on the planet.
As I think through the lives of people like Ted Bundy (murder and rapist - see recap below) I am astounded Paul would indicate that he is worse off. I have often wondered why he takes that view of himself. We did not have too much discussion (one comment on the previous post and a few emails to me) but, for what its worth here is my take on Paul's bold claim in I Timothy 1:15-16:
Paul says he is the the worst of sinners not because of false humility rather it is because that displays the glory of God to forgive. You see in verse 16 after Paul says he is the worst he explains why - so that Christ's UNLIMITED patience might be revealed and others come to salvation.
So, "what does that mean," I am asked. There are a few applications of this truth:
  1. If I am the "worst of sinners" then NO ONE is disqualified from the grace and forgiveness of God - Think on those words for a bit. We often want to present ourselves better and more righteous after being saved but forget that does little to model Grace for the observing non-believer in Christ.
  2. My salvation is not for me...alone. Rather, it is to be told and retold with the understanding that Jesus was GREAT to save me and the depth of my sinfulness combined with Jesus' patience moves others toward a relationship with Christ.
I would love to hear your thoughts here - really take a moment to comment.


  1. Great stuff... I just listened to Francis Chan talk, so God's love is swirling in my thoughts right now. It's amazing to take a step back, realize that we are that awful sinner to God, and then bask in His amazing love for us anyways. You bolded 'unlimited'... that's cool, and yet so hard to understand, because everything here on earth is limited. To think of unlimited patience and love... there's just nothing we can compare it to. If we really live in the light of that every day... people around us are going to notice that God's doing something in us. And that's cool.

  2. Random: Searching your church's website, I noticed there's not a single email anywhere (Did I even see a phone number?) to contact a pastor. You'll probably want to take care of that. :)
