Saturday, December 24, 2011

Annual Rumbold Wrap Up

I figured rather than write our annual Christmas letter I'd do it in pictures. A lot has happened since December 30th 2010 - so I reasoned that if a picture is worth a 1000 words this buys me a lot more space for expression.

In short: December 30th Jada was diagnosed with Clear Cell Sarcoma of the Kidney, January 3rd she had surgery, January 11th Pierce was born, January 13th she started chemo and radiation, January 20th Jada FINISHED radiation, March Jada celebrated her 6th birthday, June Jada broke her arm and got shingles from chemo treatment, July 9th Oliver celebrated his birthday, July 31st Jada FINISHED chemo August 17th Jada had her first day of school, October Jess, Jada, Ollie and myself were sent to Hawaii by Make-a-Wish Foundation.

Through it all God grew our faith, showed us family and their unwavering commitment, and illustrated how the church is to care for one another's burdens. God, without question, is Great!


  1. Heard Kari Jobe at a Haitian service via Ipod - talk about mind bending. Tate said," Hey this is Jada's favorite singer!". Love you all and Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas! That was quite possibly the sweetest worship I have had in a while. The precious Holy Spirit was in ever picture and memory. Just so thankful for you guys and the beauty and faithfulness of our Lord. Emmanuel.....because of Him we never do walk alone. Thank you for the video which reminds me of who HE really the valley and the storm even more glorious....especially looking back over this year....which looks like 10 years all rolled into one. It is incredible that ALL of that just happened in a year. WHO is like the Lord?! In awe! He is so good. I love you all!
