Sunday, January 16, 2011

Darkened Counsel

Job 38:2 "Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?"

Jess and I cannot and will not presume to fully know or explain God's grand scheme in all this. Its far too lofty for us to attain. Its beyond the scope of our finite logic. We resolve to not even step up to the plate, as it were, and take a swing. God's job is solely His, He's been doing it for years with great success - I am sure my suggestions ARE NOT some revelatory masterpiece that He's been fishing for since time began.

So, another day goes by and Jess and I take another deep breath and and try to see this from God's perspective. However, as any parent will likely tell you, when you put a few children in the same room and eavesdrop what you find may surprise you. Tonight, my parents (who are awesome by the way) came to lend a hand and just provide some encouragement. Jessica had brought Pierce upstairs and she handed him to my mom so she could get some things done (which is new for Jess - usually she's a soap opera and bon-bon girl).

Promptly after receiving him Oliver ran over and just did what Ollie does best - made a grunt of some kind, smiled and went back to playing basketball. Jada, however, said something that shall serve s the lesson for all of us tonight.

My mom asked if Jada wanted to hold Pierce and Jada immediately tells her, "grandma, you must be careful of his biblical cord (his umbilical cord is somewhat irritated right now)." My, father says, "Biblical cord?, what's that?" In plain, Jada only fashion, she says, "the Biblical cord is where he gets his life inside momma."

So, while we will not "darken the counsel of the almighty" by speaking of that which we know not - we may certainly stand on the promises found in the sweet pages of Scripture. The picture created in 1 Cor. 5:17 is that we are a new creation and Paul continues the metaphor later in Colossians by describing life "in Christ."

As our sweet Pierce was supplied life just a few short day ago by his "biblical cord" so Jess and I say to all - "Jesus is our breath of life - and His promises in the Bible our sure foundation."

(ps. notice my parents modeling this really strange idea Jesus had of disciplemaking, "relationships primarily through the modes of service and presence").
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  1. Hi, my name is Hannah Rindfleisch and i go to Heritage Christian where you spoke for spiritual advancement week last year, Doug. Mr. Millen shared with us about Jada and asked his classes to pray for her. I just wanted to let you know that MANY students are praying for Jada and all of you. I am reminded of this verse from Habakkuk 3:18:"yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior." This verse is one I have clung to during difficult times- my mom passed away from cancer in 2001 and i cannot tell you how uplifting it is be able to encourage someone else and empathize with them. Thank you for your testimony and God bless you!

  2. "Soup Opera and Bon Bon girl" - that was a good laugh in the midst of crying my eyes out. I got an email today that the head of Capital Ministries here in Raleigh and now the US has his group praying for Jada. There are so many! I know you don't always feel so strong right now. But- seeing a perfect picture of Jesus in you brings me to tears. Kiss Jess for me (on the cheek of course)!!
