Friday, October 5, 2007

Wanna Dance

Really, what does it mean?

Post your comments and start a discussion


  1. what runs through your mind and heart as you watch this video?

  2. Really cool video... I was slightly daunted by the length so I just got around to watching it but man...
    I think it's really easy to take a couple of steps away from living a life devoted to Jesus... those first couple of steps of not wanting to bother spending time with Him, or reading His word... and then suddenly you're rushed away on a path that leads you farther and farther away. But we do have an awesome Savior who hears us when we call which is pretty awesome.

  3. this should be done at church or the cabin. My favorite part is that it shows how ugly sin is. It's hard to break once you are deep in it and you have to FIGHT to get out. You aren't going to suddenly have no temptation at all. The movie also showed that no sin is too deep for Jesus. It was hard to see, but on the side, he was praying and pleading with her to come back. God never leaves us
