Now the thing that I have always noticed concerning my struggles are that the harder I try to avoid them, I usually end up doing them. I mean I make plans, get accountability partners, go to church, etc... I still fail(ed). Now, take all that into account, I am saved by the Blood of Jesus, I try really hard to avoid all the things I struggle with, I listen to good christian music, go to church and all that - yet I still struggle.
Counsel me. Talk to me from your experience by commenting on this blog (anonymously if that helps). What do you know to be true... how can I learn from you... should I learn from you... can I offer you something? get the conversation kickin'
Too bad you are a cardinal fan
ReplyDeletei'm not. i realized the error of my ways last year during the season and repented back to the cubs. :)
ReplyDeletenow, would you have something to add to the conversation besides sports allegiances?
Ok, glad you took the Cubs back, and as for the important stuff/sin stuggle? Keep it simple......very very simple. Let God direct your every step, talk out loud to Him.
ReplyDeletewell, lets see...how am I to know - when I am talking to God out loud - whether it is He who is directing my steps?
ReplyDeleteI agree with the simple, but could you explain the "let God direct..." statement in different terms please?
Ephesians 5:8-11 "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, rightousness, and truth and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them..." We tend to isolate ourselves and try and walk out of the darkness alone. We think that since we are christians that we have the power to overcome sin and darkness. The truth is as we walk toward the light we are removed from darkness. IF you see a light in the distance and walk toward it your shadow will shrink. Once you are right next to the light your shadow is almost completely gone and with the light of Christ all darkness can be filled by the light. It is interesting that we think we have the power to deal with sin when Jesus is the one is the Light in us. It is Him alone that can help us stay away from sin. The church culture these days preaches fear of alcohol, fear of sex, fear of sinners, fear of sin. We are not to avoid the darkness but pursue the light. Our focus and fear should be in the Light. Lets not isolate ourselves any longer and bring all of ourselves in to the light before God and before those that around us.
ReplyDeleteRemember that struggles draw us in to isolation and darkness, let us stay in the light and pursue the Light and let Jesus have his way in us.
forget not the practical nature of things. people often mistake your reference (Josh) of walking in light with that of vague impracticality. although I agree heartily with you - could you flesh out your answer a bit more for the literal who is struggling with some of the Christian terms you tossed out in your answer?
ReplyDeletemuch appreciated - and turn your friends and relatives onto the blog as well so we can increase the community.
Lets cut to the chase. If you are struggling with porn and you keep it to yourself and think that all by yourself when your alone you will be able to resist looking at things you shouldnt. Your crazy and that sin will dominate your alone time. You might even try to get alone if you are really desiring porn. If nobody knows then you are living in the dark. Once you ask Jesus for forgiveness tell a close brother in Christ and ask for accountability. If your wife is a christian then you should think strongly about her as an accountability partner. Trust me that will truly be living in the light. When we open up to others we find that we are not the only ones struggling with doing things we dont want to do. The point I am trying to make is that forcing the things that you think nobody knows about out in to the light will get you out of the attitude of "I am a loser". That is what the devil is telling you. That you are loser and should keep this struggle to yourself...hey and its not that bad really anyways. We have all believed that lie.
ReplyDeleteGet everything out in the open and remember that everyone has sinned and fallen short.