Night was falling and somehow this lunatic was still on the loose. His mouth and even his actions were beginning to annoy the law abiding leaders. As the situation grew even more intense the leaders decided it would be a good idea to send out some spies on their behalf.
Stealth was in high order as well as the introduction of confusion and even argumentative language. The spies played the part to perfection - never letting on the ulterior motive that was guiding them...in a sense they were honest. What is it that the actors say when they receive an Oscar, "...I was true to the role..." Well, these guys fit that mold. As the crowds pressed in on the lunatic with shotgun mouth the spies engaged him in some Q&A.
First, they butter him up by appealing to ego... "we know you always say what is right and are impartial in your delivery..." Then, as stated a moment ago, comes the trap to catch him in his words. "Is it right for us to pay taxes to this tyrant?"
Finally, as the story goes, the lunatic "...saw through their duplicity." You see the leaders (this story is found in Luke 20:19-26) were afraid of people and sent spies to do their job - but Jesus saw through that.
He may well have been a lunatic, but he can judge the thoughts and intent of my heart. So, if X-Ray vision is something that you think Jesus should not have...sorry, He does and He uses it for our growth and challenge.
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