I fired up the car with a fair bit of excitement and began a conversation with Jada as we drove out of town. The words we share back and forth remind me of the maturing trajectory the Lord has designed for all of us since December 30th - (it really has been that long since d-day: that's diagnosis day).
Consider then, the phone call I placed that launched my heart into spontaneous praise: Jada and I are driving down the Knoxville Ave. in Peoria, IL going to meet with the orthopedic surgeon about her broken arm (see both pics illustrating God's goodness in the FULL HEALING of her arm as her cast was removed today). We were approaching Peoria Imaging - the site of the first ultrasound & MRI which revealed the football sized mass in her abdomen. That was on December 30th. The closer we came to the location I began to uncontrollably sob. I called my wife and told her I was passing the Imaging center and that I was crying - she shared my sentiments with that day of discovery.
That is not unusual - to have a location or landmark of some sort trigger an emotion that can overwhelm you (anyone who has experienced loss, or is in the midst of a deep trial will agree). What was unusual is that just this morning I was reading and writing (handwriting the book of Romans) Romans 8...specifically verses 38-39 and noticing that 38 begins with "For I am sure..." and verse 39 ends with "...of God in Christ Jesus." It became clear in that moment that God's love has NO VICTORIOUS RIVAL - for Jesus Pinned them ALL to the Cross with His perfect obedience!
What a source of Praise! A steadfast and loving creator who not only cares for His own but pursues them with a love that cannot be overtaken by anything in all creation. The sensation experienced is not unlike God's words to Job in 38:8-11. God has prescribed limits and said, "this far you shall come and no further."
What causes me to erupt in praise despite the fact that today was: one dr appointment to have a cast removed, bloodwork at the clinic, admission to the the pediatric critical care ward, and eventual chemo (to begin about 9pm tonight)? I could easily list a hundred things- but bursting to the fore is this view that God has set limits and he has brought us a LONG WAY since December 30th. All of this rests on the firm foundation that is the Gospel - the furthering of His Kingdom and the dispensation of His grace by the "word of our testimony." In short - it is founded on Hope. A hope that does not disappoint.
Follow this link: www.jadashope.com to read a little more about HOPE that does not disappoint. While you're there you'll notice the site was created because a great friend of mine, Dan Estes is running a half marathon to honor Jada.
Amen. Hope in Christ will never disappoint! Your are handwriting Romans?? That is a cool idea. I was just talking to my mother in law about Job 38 on the beach today. Too funny. It just blesses me so much to know that there are limits to our suffering even. Especially yours right now! Love you all!